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3, Podolskoe shosse,

Moscow, 115093

phone: +7 (905) 454 6935

e-mail: info@elbrustours.ru



Восхождение на Казбек/ Mt. Kazbek climb


Ски-тур в Приэльбрусье


Leaprus Hut

On the summit of Mt. Elbrus!

At the Barrels, 3800 m

Mount Elbrus

So happy!

Outdoor party

They did it!

Mount Elbrus climb

Welcome to Mount Elbrus!

Cancellation policy


ELBRUS TOURS LLC, with its office at 115304, Russia, Moscow, Medikov street, 1/1-2,
hereinafter referred to as the Company, hereby sets forth its general operation conditions for the
provision of tourist services:

1. KNOWLEDGE OF CONDITIONS SET FORTH: when the tour participant (as well
as any person who has a reservation under the passenger’s name) sends the reservation
form and it is accepted by the Company, it is understood that the tour participant
acknowledges and agrees to all the conditions herein and certifies that the information
submitted in the reservation form is complete and true. The Company, on accepting the
reservation, covenants and agrees to fulfill its obligations as herein provided.

2. RESERVATIONS: a reservation will be confirmed once the participant: A) Sends the
reservation form dully filled in. Each person participating in the trip needs fill in a form
and provide as much information as possible. The Company must be immediately
informed of any changes in the information the participant has furnished. The tour
participant can send the reservation form by e-mail.
B) Makes a payment, using our international bank account or Western Union money
transfer. In case there are bank expenses or interests, you will have to face the costs.

3. RESERVATION CONFIRMATION: once points A and B hereinbefore are fulfilled,
the Company shall forward confirmation of the reservation to the tour participant via e-
mail. A week prior to the trip, the Company shall send information about the hotel,
contact telephone numbers and related data to the tour participant by e-mail.

4. PAYMENT OF THE BALANCE DUE: the balance due must be paid on the 1 st day of
the trip in EUR, USD or in roubles according to official rate of the Central Bank of
Russia. Only cash is accepted! Please take note that the painted or worn out banknotes
are not accepted. Please, care of to have cash in advance, as your participation in the tour
without pay of balance is impossible, even if you arrived at our hotel.

5. RESERVATION CHANGES: if the tour participant wishes to introduce any change in
a reservation that has already been confirmed, the Company should be informed in
writing of said change.

6. CANCELLATION POLICY / TERM OF TERM: cancellations must be made in
writing, without exception. Our policy is to protect your money from unpredictable
events that may cause you to cancel a trip or suspend it for a while.
Changing the date of the tour no later than 15 days before its start is carried out without
penalty, cancellation of the tour 15 days in advance or later - with a penalty of 50 euros;
change of the tour date in 1-14 days - with a penalty of 50 euros; cancellation of the tour
1-14 days in advance - with a penalty of 100 euros. Tour participant change - no penalty.
Cancellation of the tour in case of a participant's illness with coronavirus COVID-19 or
other serious illness is carried out without a penalty.

change itineraries, services, departure dates, etc. in order to provide a better service or
because of acts of God or force major. Force major reasons include: strikes, earthquakes,
civil war, quarantine, revolutions, fires, adverse meteorological conditions, epidemics,
bad road conditions or road breakage. These reasons are just illustrative. The Company
retains the right to cancel the trip due to force major. The cancellation shall be informed
in writing to the tour participant, who may opt for:
A) Demanding the refund of the full price paid to the Company.
B) Deciding on an alternative trip and pay an additional sum of money or get a
refund, whatever the case may be, if there is any price difference.
C) A) Transferring the tour.

trip requires flexibility as regards changes. Daily itineraries and coordination details are
considered as objectives to be achieved, not as contractual obligations. To participate in
the Company’s adventure trips is essential that the tour participant consents to this
flexibility. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held responsible for delays or
alterations in the program due to (not exclusively) baggage loss with the airline, bad
weather conditions, any accidents suffered by mules, breakage of gear, flight
cancellations, disease, wars, strikes, and any other act of God. Any expense deriving
therefrom shall be borne by the passenger (who may get a refund from the insurance
policy said participant has taken out).

9. 9. HEAD: RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Given the nature of the services hired by
the tour participant, both the objectives of the program and the decisions made by the
guide as the program manager are final. If the tour guide believes that the behavior of a
tour participant, physical condition, mental illness or any other reason emanating from
the indicated tour participant may be dangerous to the safety, health or well-being of the
specified participant or the entire group, the tour participant will be suspended from
participation in the expedition and not will be entitled to any refund whatsoever. If
necessary, the company has the right to resort to the assistance of law enforcement
officers. In addition, the guide, as the team leader, can decide on any changes during the
course of the program if he / she believes that the team is in danger and will benefit the
activity. The tour participant recognizes the authority of the guide in making decisions
regarding changes in programs or expeditions.

10. DOCUMENTATION: it is the tour participant responsibility to obtain the necessary
visa to enter the country of destination. In case the participant is a minor, the
corresponding documents must be presented .The company shall not to be held
responsible if the authorities refuse to give an entry visa to the tour participant due to
reasons inherent to said participant, or if admittance to our country is refused due to the
tour participant failure to comply with the necessary requirements, corresponding
documents or due to defects on his/her passport. Any expense deriving there from, or
from any similar circumstance, shall be fully borne by the tour participant. The
conditions herein for voluntary cancellation of the service shall apply.

11. LUGGAGE: the luggage and personal effects should be, is the tour participant
responsibility at all times. If the tour participant decides to the expedition or if he is
evacuated due to health problems, he will be responsible of his equipment, personal
belongings, and rented gear. In the event of accident, loss or damage during the transfer
of luggage in our vehicles, the Company shall be liable to pay up to a maximum of $

12. SERVICES INCLUDED: the Company binds itself to render during the trip those
services that are included and detailed in the information furnished for each program, on
our web site according to its updated revision.

13. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED: the Company is not bound to pay for extras, beverages,
telephone calls, laundry, tips, food during transportation, tickets for recreational centers,
etc., or for any other service that has not been dully specified in the advertised program,
according to its updated revision.

14. UNUSED SERVICES: the price of the program is quoted as a package. Therefore, no
refund or compensation shall be given for non-use of certain services such as hotel stays,
transportation, permits or any other service that is included in the trip and has not been
used by the passenger.

acts as an intermediary between the tour participant and transportation companies, hotels,
companies offering medical coverage, restaurants, etc., and in the event any of the
aforementioned fails to comply with any of its obligations, the Company assumes the
responsibility of taking the necessary steps (such as hiring new service providers,
withholding payments to those who failed to meet their obligations, etc.) to insure the
successful completion of the trip. The Company shall not be held responsible for services
rendered by any third party.

16. HEALTH: The Company´s programs take place in remote areas with little or no
possibility of having access to medical services or hospitals, so the tour participant must
be in good health and physical condition. The tour participant is responsible for having
previous medical examinations, and the Company does not assume responsibility in the
event that said examinations are not fulfilled and are not advised in our reservation form.
Therefore, any health condition suffered by the tour participant, as well as treatment or
medicines, shall be specified in the reservation form. Nevertheless, it is the tour
participant responsibility to carry any medicine specifically prescribed to him/her.
People older than 65 years are not allowed to tour participant in the program without a
document from the doctor about permission to climb to a height above 5500 m.

17. EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING: it is the tour participant responsibility to bring and
wear adequate equipment and clothing. Said items are detailed in the information of the
journey and will be checked by the Company’s guides on the first day of the trip. The
staff of the Company is fully capable to advise the tour participant on the necessary
equipment. The Company, its guides, coordinators and any other party working for the
Company shall not be held responsible for any accident or inconvenience associated to
the equipment or clothing.
Clients are responsible for the equipment they rent at the rental center. For the loss and
damage of equipment the full cost of the item is paid.

18. COMPLAINTS: the “Elbrus Tours” LLCentity service providers shall deem a
complaint as formal unless said complaint is submitted in writing way (by e-mail) within
15 days after the end of the journey.

19. INSURANCE: travel insurance is not included in the price of the program. The
Company strongly recommends passengers to take out a travel insurance policy.

price is quoted on the basis of group services so as to provide more and better services at
a low cost. Whenever the tour participant abandons the group for any reason (personal
reasons, sickness, among others), the services taken by the tour participant thereafter are
on a private basis. These services will have an additional cost that shall be paid by the
tour participant because they are not included in the price.

21. LEGAL RESPONSABILITY: reservations are accepted on the grounds that the tour
participant has acknowledged and accepted the potential risks that this type of trips may
entail, that the tour participant is mentally and physically capable of participating in the
activities required, that his/her participation is voluntary, and that - although the
Company has taken all necessary steps to provide the tour participant with adequate
equipment and trained guides - the tour participant acknowledges that adventure activities
are risky. Certainly, this risk is inherent to the activity and cannot be avoided without
destroying the activity’s unique characteristic. Said inherent risks may cause equipment
loss or damage or accidental injuries, sicknesses or, in extreme cases, permanent trauma
or death. It is not the Company´s intention to frighten the tour participant or curtail
his/her enthusiasm, nevertheless, it is important that the tour participant knows in
advance which risks are involved. The following are some examples of said risks:
avalanche, lightning, rock instability or fall, snow, ice, extreme hot or cold temperatures,
dehydration, acute mountain illness, winds, mountain equipment failures, human error.
The tour participant acknowledges that this list is not exhaustive and that there are other
unknown or unpredictable risks that may cause harm.

22. LIMITATION OF THE COMPANY´S OBLIGATIONS: the Company´s liabilities
and obligations in connection with any event or failure shall be limited to and shall not
exceed the price of the trip.

23. LAW, JURISDICTION AND COMPETENCY: these conditions and the annexes
attached hereto shall be exclusively governed by the regulations in force. Any conflict
shall be settled by the Ordinary Courts of Moscow, and excludes any other court and/or

24. GENERALLY: as you agree with these general conditions, you also accede to being
photographed or filmed by our staff during the expedition. These photos or video could
be used by the company for advertisement in brochures, web page or media.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  Copyright "Over The Rainbow" Ltd., 2025
Elbrus northern route Elbrus guides News from Elbrus How to get to Mount Elbrus? Russian visa Elbrus climb