Mount Elbrus climb
Mount Elbrus from the South
The route from the south is the most popular among climbers because of the well-developed infrastructure, including comfortable and beautiful hotels. Cable cars take you up to 3800m and snowcats up to 5000m, which makes climbing easier and saves time. From the south, climbers usually climb to the west summit (5642m), which is 21 metres higher than the east summit. The route is designed for 8 days, with an extra day in case of bad weather. Previous mountaineering experience is not required to climb Mt Elbrus. Our English speaking guides will train you in all the mountaineering techniques used to climb Elbrus.
8 days - Standard – $ 1390, Comfort - $ 1750, VIP (Leaprus) - $ 1850 (April - October)
9 days - Standard - $ 1520, Comfort - $ 1950, VIP - $ 2050 (April - October)
10 days - Standard - $ 1650, Comfort - $ 2090, VIP - $ 2190 (April - October)
* - Special offer 2025! Book a tour to Mount Elbrus before 5 October 2024 and receive a 20% discount.
Climbing Elbrus from the north is a route for nature lovers. There are no hotels, restaurants, cable cars or snow cats, so climbers reach the summit on foot - from start to finish. It was on this route that people first climbed Elbrus. That was 190 years ago. It is quite difficult to get to the northern foot of Elbrus because there is no tarmac road and only off-road vehicles can cover the 90 kilometres. The tour starts in the SPA town of Kislovodsk, where we will be picked up by an off-road vehicle and taken to a place called Dzhily-Su, where the route begins. This is a unique SPA resort with curative springs that attracts people from all over Russia.
Mountaineers usually climb from the north to the eastern peak (5621m), but there is also a route to the western peak (5642m). The route is designed for 11 days, with two reserve days in case of bad weather. No previous mountaineering experience is required to climb Mount Elbrus. Our English speaking guides will teach you how to use crampons, ice axes and crevasses.
10 days - Standard – $ 1390, Comfort - $ 1690* (June - September)
11 days - Standard - $ 1520, Comfort - $ 1850* (June - August)
* - Special offer 2025! Book a tour to Mount Elbrus before 5 October 2024 and receive a 20% discount.

The huge Elbrus slopes offer numerous opportunities to ski unbeatable routes off the beaten track during the acclimatisation days.
We invite you to enjoy skiing remote routes and climb the highest mountain in Europe.
More detail about ski-tour to Mt. Elbrus